

Filters can be added with a filters query parameters to GET requests which return multiple records.

Example: Find all things named Hugo:

GET http://api.ticketpark/things/?filters[name]=Hugo

Advanced filter parameters

Parameter Usage Allowed values
filters[_logic] When using multiple filters, the logic decides, whether the result must match all filters or just one of them AND (default), OR
filters[_comp] The comparison made on the value eq (equal, default), gt (greater than), gte (greater than or equal), lt (lower than), lte (lower than or equal), neq (not equal), isNull, isNotNull
filters[_value] The value the comparison is made against  

Filter examples

Find all entities with confirmation = true

GET http://api.ticketpark/things/?filters[confirmation]=1

Find all entities with confirmation = true and name == “Hugo”

GET http://api.ticketpark/things/?filters[confirmation]=1&filters[name]=Hugo

Find all entities which have changed sind date x

GET http://api.ticketpark/things/?filters[updated][_comp]=gt&filters[updated][_value]=2014-01-01 00:00:00

Find all entities which have changed sind date x OR have name == “Hugo”

GET http://api.ticketpark/things/?filters[_logic]=OR&filters[updated][_comp]=gt&filters[updated][_value]=2014-01-01 00:00:00&filters[name]=Hugo

Find all entites matching all of the following criterias:

  • confirmed = true
  • name is “Johnson” oder “Tomson”
  • updated in year 2014
GET http://api.ticketpark/things/?filters[confirmation]=1&filters[name][_logic]=OR&filters[name][0]=Johnson&filters[name][1]=Tomson&filters[updated][0][_comp]=gt&filters[updated][0][_value]=2014-01-01 00:00:00&filters[updated][1][_comp]=lt&filters[updated][1][_value]=2014-12-31 23:59:59

Find all bookings by customer name

GET http://api.ticketpark/bookings/?filters[customer][lastname]=Reinhard

Also works with pids: Find all tickets of booking XY which are for show ZZ
